
Accurate device positioning
for navigation & visualization

Build wayfinding solutions for 
asset and people tracking in
complex indoor, outdoor, and
underground environments.
A man holding a tablet in an oil and gas refinery

Learn how VPS is assisting in Oil & Gas

As the Oil & Gas sector continues to change, visual positioning systems are among the most important technologies that may bring about fundamental changes in this industry. Learn more about this trend.


New case study about WebAR & indoor navigation

Immersal team wanted to share the process, challenges, and solutions related to using Visual Positioning systems to create an indoor navigation web-based application for the Mall of Tripla, one of the largest shopping centers in the Nordics, with more than 85,000 m2 in Helsinki.


MLB Next App powered by Immersal

Immersal collaborated with Nexus Studios, T-Mobile, and Major League Baseball (MLB) to enable a better in-stadium experience via MLB Next app for the MLB All-Star Week in Seattle in Mid-July 2023. Read more about the details of this project and its impact on sports entertainment.

Lauri Alho Nokia testing Immersal AR experience in Nokia Arena smaller copy

Nokia's 5G immersive arena experience with Immersal VPS

Immersal, Nokia and Nokia Arena have launched a pilot application which is currently available for Nokia and its VIP visitors at Nokia Arena. Read more about this interesting use case for 5G and AR in Immersal's latest press release.


Toolkit for creating City-scale maps

Immersal has a City-scale toolkit offering precise spatial mapping of city blocks and device localization within them - which can be used for augmented reality, navigation, asset tracking, smart city solutions, and last-mile delivery.

Immersal's technology allows indoor and outdoor maps to be stitched together, combining public and private maps, delivering unprecedented user experiences accessible all over the city.

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Augmented Reality experiences in stadiums

Immersal team wanted to share the process, challenges, and solutions related to using Visual Positioning systems to create AR applications for stadiums. Now this information (including two real-life projects in Japan and in the US) is all included in one document: "Spatial Computing and AR Stadium Apps: Redefining Fan Experiences".


Immersal wins Auggie Award at AWE Asia 2023

Immersal attended AWE Asia 2023 from August 30-31 and was awarded the Auggie Award for Best in Show. Read more to learn more about our experience at the event and about the award we won.

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