Mapping a stadium with VPS

Spatial Computing and AR Stadium Apps: Redefining Fan Experiences

How to engage your fans at the stadium better? 

It this document you can find detailed description 

With Immersal visual positioning system (VPS) you can create centimeter-accurate, large-scale indoor and outdoor AR experiences. 

Stadium Apps - redefining fan experiences - Immersal -cover

What you will learn

Experience the future of live events with Spatial Computing and AR Stadium Apps, redefining fan interactions. After years of pandemic restrictions, people crave in-person experiences like concerts and sports games.

Spatial computing, combining the digital world with physical surroundings, answers this call. Immersal's Visual Positioning System (VPS) technology plays a pivotal role in this revolution, accurately mapping physical spaces for AR integration.

AR stadium apps bring interactivity to live events, offering wayfinding, immersive entertainment, real-time information, and convenient services. Challenges in VPS mapping, including dynamic environments, are addressed through advanced computer vision.

Immersal's expertise is showcased with real-world examples, like the MLB All-Star Week in the US and a rock concert in Japan, where fans enjoyed AR-enhanced experiences. 

Download the document now

Learn about different phases of the stadium AR experience creation: mapping, content creation, and testing. And read about the real project that has already been done with Immersal VPS at stadiums in the US and Japan.

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